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Our cases.

Below are some of our cases. More is available on request, such as digital and organizational transformation at KPN, a growth scenario for HR at Rituals, creating a single IT function for Mediq, creating a new business model and organizational design for RealNext, creating more agile awareness at NS, etc.

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Strategy Formulation -Belize Telecommunications

With 800 employees, BTL is the leading and largest Telecom operator in Belize and also one of the largest employers in that country. Together with our partner NTCS, we helped BTL to define its strategy. The challenge for Belize Telecom was to find a way to both do the current operation well and work on business development and innovation.

BTL had invested heavily in the technical infrastructure in recent years. The board wanted to see which one strategy the organization can put into practice by both excelling in operations and developing new business models. 

IenW beleidskern
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Organizational development Policy coreMinistry of Infrastructure and Water Management

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) works with 15,000 people on a safe, accessible and liveable Netherlands. The core department of this ministry (1,600 people) was formed several years ago from other departments. Initially, the focus was on the structural aspects of the transformation. Such as the creation of the current four directorates-general. From the end of 2018, the wishes and needs are ahead further transformation of this core department investigated. This led to an advisory report in 2019. RibbonWood was then asked to shape the resulting organizational development: formulate the vision and supervise its implementation. This transformation focuses on culture, attitude and behavior.


More involved employees through development of HR functionConclusion

Conclusion is a fast-growing ICT consultancy full-service agency in the Netherlands and has approximately 2,000 employees. Over a period of years, the organization experienced several cycles of rapid growth, both organically and through mergers and acquisitions. This made it necessary to pay attention to the further development of the HR strategy, function and related processes (employee journey). RibbonWood was initially asked as an interim manager in the field of HR. Together with marketing, the Conclusion brand was relaunched in the (labour) market. To this end, the employee journey has been mapped, including the setting up of related projects. Later, the HR function itself was adjusted to ensure more focus, better internal collaboration and embedding of payroll, administration and compliance, including necessary internal personnel changes and external recruitment.


Digital transformationCrédit Agricole Consumer Finance (CACF) Netherlands
CACF Nederland is the Dutch subsidiary of Crédit Agricole SA, one of the largest banks in the world with nearly 140,000 employees. CACF NL is the market leader in consumer finance. Despite the commercial success the organization got stuck in its development. The IT department in particular was the bottleneck, while IT should be the enabler. Business development was no longer possible and the company was in danger of losing its competitive position. RibbonWood built the vision together with the board and senior managers and supervised the change program. This involved redesigning a number of processes; shaping the organization and culture; developing the teams; and transforming the ICT system.


Increase traveler satisfaction– GVB
GVB is the municipal transport company of Amsterdam. GVB employs approximately 5,000 people.
GVB wants to increase passenger satisfaction and organize a more shared vision internally with the aim of a more cohesive internal structure and an improved way of working.
A change program had been organized, but this change program did not have the desired effect.RibbonWood was asked to investigate this situation and to come up with an improvement proposal. The core of our advice was: clarifying vision and objectives, strengthening the program team and governance, communicating more transparently and reporting on progress.

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Research collaboration-Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW)

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) works with 13,000 people on a safe, accessible and liveable Netherlands. In addition to the core department, this ministry includes a supervisor (ILT) and several implementers, including Rijkswaterstaat (RWS).

Good cooperation between these parts is necessary for the formulation and implementation of policy, while cooperation can also be quite complicated. This is because the goals of these parts can sometimes be contradictory. RibbonWood investigated this problem and found an opportunity and blockages.

IenW samenwerking
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Professionalize organization– Stichting Filmtheater Hilversum (FTH)
The FTH Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission: to promote the art of cinema. FTH has five permanent employees, 140 volunteers and a six-member board. FTH was without a business leader in a period of reopening after Corona, after a period of unrest and conflict and with the desire to professionalize and grow. FTH was therefore looking for an interim director who could guide the organization to the next phase. The aim was to create peace and stability in the Corona phase, to professionalize the organization and to set it up for the next phase. In addition, there was a desire to expand with two additional cinemas on the purchased land next to the current theater. Professionalization of the internal organization and governance is crucial before this expansion is possible. RibbonWood started by setting up the basics and then working on an agenda for organizational development. RibbonWood's change principles were leading in this agenda.

IenW digitale transformatie
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Digital transformation– Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) works with 15,000 people on a safe, accessible and liveable Netherlands. Within this ministry, the Concern Information Directorate was responsible for the ICT of the core department. The demand for ICT had changed over time and required a different way of working and organizing. The management had initiated a change program, bu tthe program encountered difficulties in achieving the results. RibbonWood was asked to investigate the situation and to design and implement a modified program. The first step consisted of creating a shared vision and closing the gap between employees and management. From there, work was done on a structural improvement of the organization. This included a reorganization, cultural change; and improvements on some hard aspects such as processes and documentation.

Transformation to better services-Municipality of Woerden
The organization of the municipality of Woerden consists of 400 people and works for 40,000 residents in two municipalities: Woerden and Oudewater. After a number of years with a heavy task, the organization was impoverished and wanted to develop itself. It was about better performance for its employees, its citizens, entrepreneurs and the municipality. The aim was to get the basics back in order by, among other things, introducing case-oriented working and introducing a certain degree of self-organization. RibbonWood was responsible for the advice and program management.

Masterclass Veranderkunde
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Masterclass Change Management  - RibbonWood
RibbonWood has been conducting its Change Management Masterclass since 2014. Various organizations have taken this in-company and countless participants from many organizations have followed this masterclass. For example: ABN AMRO, AF/KLM, Gasunie, NS, Essent, Ministries of I&W, BZK and Justice, Municipalities of Almere, Woerden, Amstelveen and Almere, Allianz, Achmea, AMC, ASVZ, GSN, DUO, Geboortehart, Association of Universities of Applied Sciences, The future group, NEA, KPN.

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