How we never expected to hold another 1,5 meter advisory board
Bijgewerkt op: 19 jul 2021

2 years ago on July 4 we held our first newly composed advisory board for strategic guidance, executive experience and support to further grow our transformation consultancy business. Since we formally reside at the Keizersgracht in Amsterdam, we used to have this type of meetings right across our offices in Pulitzer's.
Last year on June 16 we held our 2nd advisory board meeting, several times postponed due to Corona, in a 1,5 meter Corona measures setting. Not in Pulitzer's, but in Eemland in Eemnes in the countryside where there is more space for 1,5 meter meetings. How little did we know then that we would run another "Corona proof advisory board" exactly a year and a day later.
So last June 17 it was time to report back on results, achievements and setbacks. And also, to look forward to new initiatives in line with our strategy. Based on progress, lessons learned and market developments.
We talked about:
the progress on growing and professionalize our associate consultants’ group;
the RibbonWood Transformation Circle which we are anticipating to launch ASAP after postponing three times due to Corona;
market trends on contracting for consultancy and other forms of temporary (expert) help relevant for our transformation business.
A special “thanks” to our supervisory board: Lia Belilos (CHRO Robeco), Joost Mortier (CEO 9292 Reisinformatiegroep), Eric Kuisch (executive board member & COO Eurofiber), Marielle Ploumen (bestuurder Altrecht), Maarten Vervoort (investor & ex private equity executive) and Paul Slot (EVP Infrastruture KPN).
Stay tuned in the upcoming months for:
our Transformation Circle news;
and new initatives positioning ourselves even more as a long term partner in organisation's increasingly complex and ongoing transformation agenda's.